Rosa Rose Flor deliver to a 15km radius of Richmond 5 days a week. If you arrive at the checkout and are not able to deliver to your desired postal code, please contact us via email at or phone on 0421134637 to organise.
All weekday orders must be in by 10.00am for same day delivery.
Rosa Rose Flor do not guarantee any times for deliveries, however, you are able to request a time frame in notes and we will do our best to meet it. Rosa Rose Flor are closed on Victoria public holidays, and any other days we are not open, you will not be able to order on the website.
When placing your order, we request as many recipient details as possible to ensure a smooth delivery. If the order is unable to be delivered and has to be returned to Rosa Rose Flor, we will be in touch to organise payment for a return and re-delivery fee.
For businesses: Rosa Rose Flor must always have the recipients phone number and have the authority to contact the recipient if necessary. Please ensure the recipient is at the business to receive the delivery. If the business is closed, or they are not there to receive the delivery and there is no one who can accept the flowers on their behalf, the flowers will be returned to Rosa Rose Flor and be redelivered the following day, for an extra return and delivery fee.
For residential: Rosa Rose Flor must always have the recipients phone number and have the authority to contact the recipient if necessary. If the recipient is not home and we are unable to leave the flowers safely, the flowers will be returned to Rosa Rose Flor and redelivered the following day, for an extra return and delivery fee. This is why we often contact the recipient prior if we deem the address unsafe (apartment, intercom etc.) to leave the flowers, so we do not come across any of these issues.
Hospitals: Rosa Rose Flor arrangements are delivered to the appropriate reception of where the recipient is. We do not deliver directly to patient's rooms and what happens to the flowers following leaving them at the reception is not in our control.
Rosa Rose Flor, is not a retail shop and collections from Rosa Rose Flor are only available if organised prior via email or phone.
Bridal Store products are available for delivery and collection from Rosa Rose Flor in Richmond.
Collection must be arranged via phone or email prior and is only available between 9.00am – 11.00am. Please note, if your items are collected, Rosa Rose Flor are not responsible for them or anything that happens to them following collection.
Due to the nature of bridal flowers and the time requests often associated with them; Bridal Store products do not have the same delivery fees as RRF store products. If delivered, Rosa Rose Flor are only responsible for the delivery and not for the set up and arrangement of Bridal store products.